Since the bill was introduced, we have had a number of conversations with stakeholders about this, about their concerns. Part of it is trying to reconcile the fact that, yes, the definition of “label” may be larger than it was before but the elements are coming out of “package”. If you look at the explanatory notes, for example, in the bill for this particular piece, they talk about the definition of a “package” and currently, at the end of the definition, it says, “including the label and anything else that accompanies the product and conveys information about it”. It's a very broad definition. Those are the informational requirements of “package”. That's been removed in the new proposed definition of “package” to facilitate the goods in transit.
They have tried to capture that element under the new definition of “label”, which we tried to make consistent with other pieces of Health Canada legislation, such as the Safe Food for Canadians Act, the Food and Drugs Act, and the Hazardous Products Act. We try to take elements of that and harmonize more broadly with those pieces of legislation to give a definition that would capture all the informational requirements under the definition of “label”.