When we look at pesticide labels versus many other regulated commodities, and I don't pretend to know all those other regulated commodities as well as I know pesticides, certainly the pesticide label is a legal document that really spells out the approved use pattern of that product. We know that if products are used inappropriately there can be risks associated with pesticide use. That's a given. The final use directions that end up on that label and the precautionary statements are all a result of the data that have been analyzed and the risk assessments that have been conducted by Health Canada. It's very important that those labels be followed.
When we talk about the pesticide label—this has been well enshrined with growers and other users—that label is the law. The information that conveys both how to use the product and the safety information is the law, and it's important that they follow it. We just don't want it to be diluted with other things that might fall under the scope of a label, such as a website, i.e., one of our member's websites that, yes, talks about that product, so therefore belongs to that product, but then also goes on and talks about lots of other things, such as resistance management practices and other nice-to-do things that aren't necessarily legal requirements.
That's our concern around the scope creep. Hopefully I've articulated it.