There are limits to what we can do in terms of going retroactive or whatnot. That's really governed by the rules that are set out in the WTO. These are measures that can result in very high levels of duties, and there are appropriate rules around that to make sure there's good evidence, that they're merited and warranted.
I'll mention again that our system is among the most responsive in the world in terms of getting duties in place quickly. We only have one opportunity to potentially extend an investigation, but otherwise it's set out in the legislation that you're going to have provisional duties if it applies within 90 days, and then final duties at the end of I think 210 days after the initiation. It's not immediate, but it is certainly very quick, and quicker than virtually all other jurisdictions.
There are rules that say if after initiation there is a situation of massive importation—if you see that there's a real surge after a case has been initiated—there is the potential to apply duties going back to that date of initiation. It's very rarely used amongst different countries because it's a fairly high standard. Other than that, it's really that 90-day period when the provisional duties begin to apply—