So there is no trade ability to actually say, because it's a cleaner product, it's able to demand some sort of compensation. The marketplace doesn't give it. The marketplace isn't going to offset the cost they had to spend to get it down to 42 kilograms. The marketplace just isn't going to do it.
What is going to do it? Otherwise these guys are going to revolve back into bankruptcy again and again. It's not the fact of dumping. In fact, you could look at it and say, you know, they're not putting steel into Canada at below the cost of production. They could actually be at their cost of production and putting it into Canada and we still can't compete. That basically means that instead of doing the globe a favour and producing steel at 42 kilograms, we're actually going to be buying steel from somebody else at 916 kilograms. Isn't that counterproductive to the goal of reducing our carbon footprint in a global context?