Yes, right. It depends a bit on the sector. There is an overall approach, but it also depends on the sector.
If you're talking about the fish and seafood sector, there will be a particular focus on that and on helping the fish and seafood sector across Atlantic Canada to be able to access the EU market more easily. There's a likelihood that there would be some marketing effort across the Atlantic that is designed and focused specifically on the EU market so we can start to sell our products over there. There will be some internal adjustments being made to ensure that we can produce to the EU market in terms of the specifications and expectations they have. On the fish and seafood side, I think there will be a lot of attention paid to that, and we'll be in good shape.
For other areas in agriculture, for example, in New Brunswick, there will be a focus on that as well. That kind of sector will be given a lot of attention.
For anything outside the fish and seafood sector and agriculture, I think that will fall under this broader effort we're doing to try to address much smaller and medium-sized enterprises. We'll be getting the information out, telling them what they can expect in the EU market, and giving them guidance as to how to begin that process of exporting to a market that is quite different from the U.S. or the Canadian market that they've been used to.
A whole training exercise will be conducted, with a lot of promotion at the same time.