Well, it's going to be a long-term project, for sure. As you know, the U.K. has been a keen supporter of CETA throughout the process, including up to the signature and all of the discussions leading up to that. They've also indicated an interest in being a part of CETA, at least until they get through their article 50 process of Brexit in terms of the rest of the EU.
We fully anticipate that CETA will be in effect. The U.K. will be a member of CETA until they reach that point where they try to agree with something with the rest of the EU on the Brexit.
Even then, depending on what they end up agreeing on with the EU, there could be a possibility whereby we could simply transfer the CETA obligations to the U.K. and, in other words, save ourselves a lot of time on negotiating a full free trade agreement, and basically transferring CETA to an agreement that also exists between Canada and the U.K. It might need a few tweaks, but I think that would be relatively easy to do.