Thank you.
Thank you for the opportunity to be here today to share CFIB's perspective on Bill C-30, an act to implement the CETA agreement.
You should have a presentation in front of you that I'd like to walk you through over the next few minutes.
First, CFIB is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization that represents more than 109,000 small and medium-sized businesses across Canada. Our members represent all sectors of the economy, and they're found in every region of the country.
It's also important to remember that Canada's small and medium-sized enterprises employ about 70% of Canadians working in the private sector, they're responsible for the bulk of new job creation, and they represent about half of Canada's GDP. Addressing issues that will benefit them can have a widespread impact on job creation and the economy.
CFIB takes it direction solely from our members through a variety of surveys throughout the year, and we have found that a strong majority of members support free and fair trade. This is because most of them understand that trade is good for Canadian small business, for our economy, and for jobs. We also know that many of our members appear to be in a position to benefit from trade deals such as CETA.
For example, as you can see on slide 3, almost two-thirds of our members in a very recent survey are supportive of international trade agreements. However, nearly one in five small business owners felt they didn't have enough information to answer this question, suggesting that perhaps more needs to be done to inform them about the opportunities trade agreements can bring to their business.
A few others, including supply-managed producers, for example, may have strong concerns. We continue to carefully listen to our members who have those concerns and communicate them to the government. One concern we have expressed is the importance of ensuring that any economic harm to dairy producers, for example, as a result of the CETA trade deal be compensated.
Though there are some small but important exceptions, there is broad support for trade agreements even among those not involved in trade. But how many are actually involved in trade? As you can see on slide 4, about one in five have sold goods or services to other countries, while about half have purchased from other countries, with another 6% planning to get more involved in trade in the future.
What countries do they trade with? As you can see on slide 5, the U.S.A.—not a surprise—remains by far the most likely place that Canadian small businesses will trade, but second to that is the EU, and 9% of our members say they have purchased from the EU and about 6.5% have sold into the EU.
On slide 6 you can get a sense of which countries within the EU smaller firms tend to trade with. Germany and the U.K. lead the pack, with Netherlands, Italy, and France also being important for more than one third of small businesses that do trade into Europe.
We also explored what small business owners would like to see in a CETA agreement that would most benefit their business. Ultimately, as you can see on slide 7, what smaller businesses want to see is more consistency, fewer regulations, standards that are simple to comply with, simpler border processes, less paperwork, and lower costs. The good news is that CETA tries to address each of these areas, as it not only lowers tariffs, which are important, but it also starts to look at ways to reduce non-tariff barriers, which are very important, by finding ways to better align European-Canadian regulations and standards as well as look at ways to simplify border processes.
We also know it's important to communicate the benefits of CETA to more small business owners, and encourage them to consider the EU if they're looking to expand to new markets. Understanding how small businesses learn of trade opportunities in Europe might be helpful in how governments, organizations, and others might be able to support them with those opportunities. As you can see on slide 8, most learn of opportunities through business contacts, one in five conducted their own research and found their own contacts, about 15% were contacted by an EU buyer or seller, and another 15% participated in trade shows.
It's important to note that none, in this survey at least, went on a trade mission. I think there may be some lessons here for policy-makers to consider when they look at how to potentially promote the EU agreement in the future.
The good news, as you can see on slide 9, is that more than half of those already trading with Europe plan to increase their activities. This was before the CETA agreement was signed, so hopefully even more will follow as opportunities increase after the agreement is ratified.
You can see on slide 10 the reasons they wanted to increase their trade into Europe—to expand their business, which is what we ultimately want them to do, and to pursue more opportunities as the economy recovers—because they do see it as an alternative to the U.S. market. This latter issue may become even more important as a motivator for small firms in the next few years, depending on how the new U.S. administration will deal with NAFTA.
Thinking about how to encourage more small firms to consider trading with Europe, it might help to provide advice on how to overcome some of the challenges others have faced when they have tried to trade into Europe. As you can see on slide 11, providing them with guidance on how to deal with things like a fluctuating Canadian dollar, costs associated with shipping, and that type of advice would be useful. Many of the rest of the challenges they face, like high tariffs, different rules or standards, and the complexity will be somewhat addressed by CETA, so communicating how CETA addresses those issues will also be very important.
In summary, a strong majority of our members in CFIB are supportive of free and fair trade. Many of our members appear to be in a position to benefit from CETA, but a few may have some strong concerns. We have communicated these concerns, as I mentioned, to government, and have stressed the importance of finding ways to mitigate any economic harm to sectors that may be adversely affected as a result of the trade deal.
Finally, it's important that the benefits and advantages of CETA be well communicated to smaller firms so that more of them will feel confident about expanding their trade opportunities into the EU.
Thank you for the opportunity to present, and I'm happy to try to answer any questions.