I've long been a supporter of an international judicial process to resolve the most sensitive and problematic disputes about protection of foreign investors as well as foreign-investor responsibilities. I think it has to be limited to egregious cases, because otherwise the number of cases overloads the system. That's why I tend to think, whether you talk about foreign-investor protections or responsibilities, that you still always have to give the primary role to domestic courts, stipulating that you can go to the international level only once you've shown that domestic courts are totally unfair and that it's not realistic to send the litigant there. I'm very much a supporter of that kind of a process. The existing ISDS mechanism has been improved a bit by ICS but it still has a lot of really big flaws.
By the way, if anyone would ever like to follow up with me by email, I'd welcome any questions. My policy is that I talk to anyone free of charge, time-permitting, and it would be a privilege to talk to any of you. I will always make time for members of Parliament.
Thank you.