The inclusion of the whole services cluster, which includes cross-border financial services, temporary entry, and telecommunication services, is something that was very much of interest to Canada in these negotiations. In fact, it was part of negotiations for a good part of the process. We tried every way possible to get on the same page as Ukraine in that area. Ultimately, it just was not possible, due to various constraints, including the nature of Ukraine's preferred model vis-à-vis that of Canada in terms of how to memorialize concessions and commitments in this area.
The offsetting factor for Canada in this area is that Ukraine is a recent member of the WTO. They acceded to the WTO several years ago, and their services commitments in the WTO are very robust. They're very strong. We have very good coverage that way, as fellow WTO members, to their services market. As a practical matter, our services interests are actually quite well addressed and accommodated through the WTO.
I wouldn't say that we couldn't have had some incremental gains. That's a hypothetical question, I suppose. As it stands, we're in quite good shape on the services front vis-à-vis Ukraine.