That's a good point. I've always thought there would be a tougher sell with the jobs that would not be created and the jobs lost if we're not part of this global change. We would see an erosion, especially in the South Korean market should they join, because then they would have access to it and they wouldn't need us at all.
I'm very concerned about that. If you have done any work on that, it would be great. We did do some at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada using that pork market in Korea as an example.
You also both talked about the rules behind the tariff walls. It's not difficult to bring tariff walls down when the countries then just slip back into non-tariff trade barriers. We see that with the agreements now. We've been very cautious and careful that we have the phytosanitary agreements, agreements on GM products, and a lot of other things that could be thrown up as a roadblock.
You both have been consulted all along. Thank you for that and the direction you've given.
Was there anything that you think should still be added when it comes to non-tariff trade barriers?