Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Excellency, for a very comprehensive overview. You've answered a lot of my questions, but I have a few more.
Certainly, I agree with you that multilateral trade agreements are by far the best. There's always a better ambition for the outcome. I also take solace in the fact that you say moving forward without the U.S. is an option. I've agreed with that since we saw the electoral challenges, I'll say, in the United States, with both the Democrats and Republicans saying they would tear it up, that they wouldn't go there. That's unfortunate. It's a missed opportunity on their part.
I think that with the geopolitical situation in the area—we had the ambassador from Vietnam here the other day talking about the stabilizing effect of the TPP against some of the other countries in the area—it needs to be done. There is a meeting coming up in Chile in the middle of March for countries of the TPP to get together and talk about what the options are post-U.S. election. You will be attending that, I imagine, or someone will be.