I definitely want to look at LED Roadway because they're a great company—a good choice. They have really good people. They're doing a great job around the world, and they have been for a while. For them to be telling other companies how to do it, I'd listen to them any day of the week. I give you credit for highlighting them in your speech because they are a good company.
I also want to highlight that by reinventing or putting new names on a lot of things, there are a lot of companies that are going to come back to this type of program, sit there and spend the day with you, and say there's nothing new here. The single window was doing the same thing; it was just called a different program.
If you're talking about bringing in different companies and new people, and bringing that to the forefront so that these new people who are thinking about exporting are first-time attendees, that's great. But what are you doing to the ones who have already attended workshops like this in the past, to tell them, hey, maybe it's not for you because you've already been there?
How are you getting around that angle?