In general, Canada's system works relatively efficiently from beginning to end. The formal process is nine months. We begin working maybe another three months in advance of that.
We can provide you with a list of the roughly seven ways that we see circumvention happening. I'd like to add one other one, which we experience ourselves today. We have a successful finding against China that establishes a normal value, a fair selling price. They're still exporting the product to Canada at that price, yet they are selling at a lower price to the market we're competing against, which is illegal, and somebody is getting a rebate somewhere outside of the system to compensate for that difference. We didn't have a process and we haven't yet—until we implement the budget, so I recommend that we implement it as quickly as possible—whereby we can share the evidence, compel people to testify about how this is happening, and then have a panel of judges make a ruling.
We are thus very happy for the actions taken, because this has a consequential impact on us every day.