I'll try to be quick with this. To give you an idea, we won a case against China. Within a couple of years, a trader from another country submitted a request to CBSA for a product, the same one that we won the case against in China. They moved to another country, Indonesia, added small value to it, came to Canada, and asked for what's called an “advance ruling”. This was a confidential decision between those parties, the government and this party that wanted to do it, and we, as the makers of that product in Canada, were never informed. We were given neither the opportunity to participate nor the results of that advance ruling.
A scope ruling is a process that will bring transparency to this so that people who want to, in our view, move outside of a trade finding now need to have their request public and have the evidence, and we as domestic producers, who are employing Canadians, have the opportunity to share the real impact of this, understand the decision, and have it all in a public forum.
For us it's critical. We were even told at the Federal Court—we appealed this to the Federal Court when we found out—that we didn't have any standing to appeal this to the Federal Court because we were not a party to the original decision. This now recognizes that we have appeal rights.
We think this will have a big positive impact on those impacted by unfair trade.