Thank you, Bob. I can give you some real-life examples.
Let's take the U.S. by way of example. If they have some import duties on Chinese steel coming in and somehow the steel finds its way through Vietnam, for example—these are just hypothetical situations, of course—into the U.S. and circumvents the Chinese duty, that's an example. This is happening. It's just one mechanism.
Now, it gets even worse with the U.S. now putting up walls around circumvention. If that steel finds it way into Canada, which it can, and then repatriates back to the U.S., we then have issues around Buy America. They're seeing Canada as a route to get back into the U.S. through circumvented steel.
This is something that gets into transformation of steel and what classifies as country of origin, but it's an important aspect, and we're glad it was partially addressed yesterday in the budget.