Minister, in some ways we've been top-heavy in our trade with the United States, our biggest trading partner, and for too long, maybe because things have been easy in some respects, we have not looked to diversify our markets. Now, with a laser-like focus, we have a tremendous opportunity with CETA having gone through the House, being ratified here, and moving toward looking at that market.
When we were on a committee trip out west, we heard from a group in Denver, and what they had to say was amazing. We heard from a corporate lawyer, who would not divulge his client, but he said his client is looking to locate in Canada from Europe, because of CETA. So it's working already. It is already starting to bear fruit. They are in the wind turbine business, locating here, being able to do business also with the United States and vice-versa, looking at us as a gateway.
Can you inform us of the strategy for CETA, as we look to attract more businesses here to Canada from Europe, as well as from the United States now, through Canada into Europe, and looking at Canada as a gateway using CETA as the vehicle?