Thank you, all, for your presentations.
I am going to take a launch off Mr. Hoback's questions.
In terms of not talking about countries in division but countries in partnership, we know that certainly we have similarities, with the United States in particular, but we also have differences, and I think that we need to be cognizant of that as well.
The last day and a half I've been attending the Can/Am Trade Border Alliance conference. It's a great testament to all the work that has been done between Canada and the U.S. on forging greater alliances and deepening the integration chain between our two countries. The Can/Am BTA is 25 years old, just like NAFTA.
My first question is for Mr. Wilson.
With NAFTA being 25 years old, we have a North American integrated supply chain. Where are the opportunities for greater integration, not isolation policies, in terms of the North American supply chain, which we have done so well on for the last number of years?