Generally speaking, they are pretty much in every sector. We heard from the auto folks here that there are still growth opportunities there. When we survey our members, generally, about where the growth opportunities are for them, they always look at the U.S. as the primary market.
Most Canadian companies still don't export. In fact, the vast majority, some 90%, don't export out of Canada, so there is still a huge opportunity, especially for small and mid-size companies, to export and grow in those areas.
Among the specific sectors, automotive is the biggest integrated platform. There are always going to be new opportunities, and that will continue as long as it maintains the footprint, especially if we can do the things that David and Caroline were talking about here in terms of growing North America as a global platform. Instead of looking at ourselves as just a regional bloc to trade among ourselves, we can really leverage it for global platforms. There is a huge opportunity for global growth for Canadian companies.
Another sector that I would primarily look at would be agrifood. We export almost no food out of Canada. Whether it's for manufacturing or whether it's finished goods, we still export very little of what's actually produced here. At CME, when we're looking at new market opportunities, we see that agrifood is the one sector that we perform very poorly on internationally, and we see a real opportunity in the U.S. and beyond.