Yes, that's what I thought.
Anyway, say hi to your dad. It's always good to chat with you guys.
On the beef side, we've learned a lot about NAFTA and about the WTO with COOL. It really gives us a bit of an edge as we go into renegotiations on this, to try to make sure that things like that aren't in our future. It comes down to regulatory co-operation, tax harmonization, and a lot of different levels that need to be adjusted so that we can still have the free flow of product back and forth across the border.
One thing that I think is paramount to keep the Americans honest is to have diversity in our trade. I'm a firm believer in having a bit of a hammer going into these NAFTA negotiations by ratifying the TPP, especially since the Americans aren't doing so.
Have you guys given any thought to that with your Mexican counterparts? I've been speaking to the Mexicans at the trade level. New Zealand and Japan have both ratified it. Of course, Japan is the crown jewel in it. I'm a firm believer in getting the TPP done even before we get serious discussions on NAFTA going.