The pork industry is a very complex and integrated industry. I'd say that I can hold my own in any market in the world, as any Canadian pork producer does. When you look at the total volume of pork we produce and export into the United States compared to the total volume of pork produced and consumed in the U.S., essentially we are supplying a niche market in some cases. Our exports to the U.S., while hugely economically significant to us, are but a very small drop in the bucket in terms of U.S. consumption and production of pork. When we look at the potential in China, Japan, and other areas, it's the same idea.
There are very large integrated companies in the U.S. that can produce a pound of protein maybe cheaper than I can, but there are not companies in the U.S. that can produce the quality of product and the marketing, the branding, and everything wrapped into one. There are markets there for us. I'm not trying to sell the cheapest cut of pork in the world. I'm trying to help Canada's pork become a desired cut of pork so that I can sell to the higher-priced customers in the emerging markets.