Yes, absolutely. I think you've made a good point. In outright production, I think you can see, especially with western Canadian farmers, that Canadians are very forward thinking. We've had some challenges that we've had to overcome, and I think that experience has contributed to making western Canadian farming the success it has been and will contribute to its success going forward.
I personally believe that one of the true advantages the western farmer has developed or has used in their tool box has been diversification. Typically, especially on the Prairies, we are at this point basically of competing directly with the American farmer in the corn and soybean markets. In the west, there's a very big diversity of crops that wouldn't necessarily exist in the U.S. Midwest. In many ways, I think, that's what we've done to adapt to some of our challenges in many of the opportunities we've had, and that has made western Canadian agriculture very successful and somewhat different than it is in the U.S.