To add very quickly, market diversification is obviously important for any international trade policy. It certainly doesn't happen overnight but I think in the long term as we're an export economy, it can only help.
With respect to the United States around “Buy American, Hire American”, border adjustment taxes, what have you, I think we've been doing the right things in engaging Congress directly in both the House and the Senate. We need to be doing more of that on a legislator-to-legislator basis, Prime Minister to President, governor to governor, governor to premier, but we also need to be getting business to business engaged.
We have a lot of counterparts on this panel that have subsidiaries and parent companies in the United States. If they truly believe in the strength of the supply chains and the clusters that exist across the border, there's no reason why Dow, Dupont, Walmart, all the companies that are active in Canada and the United States shouldn't be in Congress speaking to the benefits of the joint economic partnership that we have between the United States and Canada.
On the government-to-government side and legislator-to-legislator side, we're doing fine. I think we could amplify that by having more business-to-business interaction and having them engaged in that conversation.