Yes, and in a very simple response, I think the U.S. congressional service would agree with you wholeheartedly. In its report from February 2017, it said right up front that it's very hard to determine exactly what effect NAFTA has had on job creation, because of all those other variables.
I think it's a very good point. We just don't know how many jobs have been created as a result of NAFTA. I think it is fair to say, though, that there is a positive net effect, but is it 1.5 million jobs or is it nine million jobs? If you speak to the U.S. Department of Commerce, they'll say that trade with Canada supports directly roughly 1.5 million jobs. If you speak to officials at International Trade, they'll say that Canadian exports to the United States support nine million jobs.
There's a fundamental difference between how we view trade and job creation, not only with NAFTA but more broadly with trade agreements around the world.