This is going to require a much longer response. We've just carried out a modelling exercise on TPP 11, a TPP without the U.S.
Canada will do second best of all the 11 countries, after only Mexico. We will be in essence taking market share off the Americans in Asia, market share the Americans will be thrusting our way. Every country of the original 12 will do better, except for the U.S., which will suffer losses. If we want to get the Americans back to the multilateral negotiating table, if we want to get them back on the path to common sense, then I would argue that this is the only means that we really have at our disposal to do it.
The Americans are shooting themselves in the foot by getting out of the TPP, and there is clear evidence. We've received calls from, as you would expect, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan for the modelling exercise. We've also received calls from Secretary Ross's office. We've also received calls from U.S. congressmen and congresswomen about the modelling exercise. This idea of the TPP 11 and the damage it could potentially do to the Americans is also starting to gain traction in Washington. It will help us in the NAFTA negotiations. It gives us something to counter the attempt by the Trump administration to completely rewrite the rules of the game on trade in ways that favour the Americans and disadvantage everyone else.