That wraps up our time. We're running a little late, but we're sorry we started late. We had some comments on one of our colleagues in the House who passed away, so we were late.
We've had very good dialogue here this afternoon. If you have any more thoughts or information you want to add for our committee, we'd appreciate it.
As the chair, I'd appreciate it if, for your counterparts that you were talking about in the United States or Mexico, we could find out who they are. Maybe we can get some information. If there's going to be a good deal for North America, it's everybody working together. The more we know where everybody's at would be good. I'd appreciate our committee receiving that so we can ask questions to them when we're travelling abroad.
Thank you again for coming. This report should wind up around the end of November, and we should be done December 1 with the report. We'll get you copies to show you what's in it. Thank you again.
We're just going to stop for a minute here to change to our next panel. I don't want MPs taking off too far, as we're only stopping for a minute.