It's a good place to start, but it doesn't go far enough. I think that's the issue. There are some really good ideas in it, and some good initiatives, but it's totally voluntary.
I think in terms of making sure that some of the.... There's a provision for a committee. We need to make sure that committee has real things that they have to do and have to report back on. They would have to ensure that a gender analysis is done at the beginning of the agreement. They would have to ensure that it's reviewed. They would have to ensure that there's some kind of monitoring of it.
These are really baby steps when it comes to integrating gender equality, but given where we're at generally with international trade, the amount that we talk about in even having a gendered approach is still very.... It shouldn't be early. I've been working on this since the nineties, but we still have a long way to go.
I think it's just those things, like trying to make that chapter have more strength, and, as Francesca said, trying to integrate gender into some of the other chapters and into the other issues, and to make sure that in things like the labour chapter we have some binding provisions.