The short answer is yes. I'm out of politics today, but you aren't. I think the lesson from Maxime Bernier is that if you don't support supply management, your seat is at risk, whatever party you're from, and there are provincial elections in Ontario and Quebec this year and in Canada next year.
Over and above that, fundamentally, I don't want the milk supply for my children to be dependent on another country, be it the United States, but certainly not Asia, and then you have a bacteria problem. Second, we have a large country that is territorially very widely dispersed. Farms are the basis of the rural economy, and if we lose these farms, we're going to be in for huge economic and social problems. The BCG has done a very good report on what could happen to the competitiveness of our economy. This is not like giving some cheese to the Europeans.
The U.S. plants are 50 kilometres or 300 kilometres away. One plant for yogourt or something in New Jersey could probably supply the whole of northeastern Canada, and vice versa if you go to the west.