I'm glad you liked the five I started with. I think those are the kinds of issues, given that we are actively renegotiating NAFTA and negotiating TPP 11, that are very much current.
Taking the perspective that e-commerce is somehow a threat and that those jobs can leave isn't to view e-commerce with the fulsome kind of potential that it has. Of course, eBay provides a paradigm example of the way many people can succeed on a global basis, but there are many examples over the last number of years. In many ways, we should almost stop calling it e-commerce and just think of it as commerce, because it does reflect how people do business today.
I have every confidence that Canadians can compete. What we have to get out of is the mindset that what we need to do is erect barriers or have government come in with programs to help make it happen. This is not to suggest that there isn't a role for government to help educate, to help lay the foundation, as I talked about, with such things as access. But it's a global marketplace, and what we ought to recognize is that if we're not able to compete on the global level, other companies are going to come in and compete right here at home. Amazon we know, for example, is obviously a giant in the space, and not just with the traditional books, of course, but with just about anything, including now groceries.
When you start thinking about those kinds of paradigm shifts that are taking place from an e-commerce perspective, what we need isn't so much cheerleading. We need to, in a sense, embrace the commercial opportunities that the Internet has brought and recognize that we do have a lot to offer and we can compete.