There's a reason that I started the five recommendations with access, because I really do think it is the foundational issue that you have to address. You are right to note that there is not a quality of access today, and access even where it is available in many places remains expensive, which creates, in a sense, two sets of digital divides in Canada.
We have a digital divide sometimes between urban and rural with communities that don't have any access at all, but even within urban communities where Internet is available, it may be unaffordable. That's why there is an emphasis, I think, both on affordability and on access.
We've seen various programs and successive governments from both sides endeavour to establish programs and prioritize the issue and we haven't made the kind of progress that I think we would have otherwise hoped for, given that there are still too many Canadians who don't have that kind of access. That can't help but create a real laggard when it comes to e-commerce adoption, whether as consumers or as businesses seeking to adopt.
I think that means, at times, investment where the market won't otherwise invest. I think it means finding ways to inject new competition, particularly in the wireless sector. It's things like NVNOs, which are seen as virtual companies riding on the network but offering up the prospect of greater levels of competition—we see these kinds of things in some other jurisdictions—and then continuing with spectrum policy that seeks to inject some of those new competitors into the marketplace as well.
It's not going to happen overnight, but unless it is a top priority with clear targets and objectives—and the CRTC tried to do that—I fear we're going to be here five years from now still talking about the number of Canadians who can't afford it or don't have access.