It's very much a real concern, I think, for many Canadian companies, especially when they're looking to a new market for the first time, and in particular a new partner that they've never worked with before. What we've done at EDC to try to help raise the level of awareness and help companies do their own due diligence around those risks is to suggest fairly hands-on engagement with the counterparty.
If we use the example of China, because that's often brought up, there are a number of e-commerce platforms there that are taking counterfeit issues and cybersecurity issues very seriously, and one in particular that we work with has such a stringent policy now in place that if anyone is found to have on-boarded a counterfeit product, not only is that company removed from their platform for life, but the account manager on the Chinese side is also terminated.
There's a growing realization that to play in this space internationally, this is a primary concern for many western companies, Canadian companies included. That is still very much a responsibility that's borne by the Canadian company, and part of what we would do through our advisory services is try to help Canadian companies understand that and select the right partners to do business with internationally.
There, again to Ms. Glenn's comments, we do partner with BDC and the trade commissioner service, by way of example, to try to get that message out to Canadian exporters.