Perhaps we could just build on that. I'd like to get some feedback from all of you.
You gave the example, Mr. Winterhalt, of EDC being here and offering services for 70 years. We haven't really seen a great output in terms of increased risk and greater expansion into international markets. As I think you mentioned, Canadian businesses tend to be risk-averse. If we look at how we help companies expand and take that risk, what are some of the opportunities, and in particular for women? We've heard in this committee and others that women are often at a greater disadvantage when it comes to getting debt financing and cash flow financing, with limited networks. How do we also encourage more women to get involved in trade?
To Mr. Hart from Canada Post, one of the challenges with shipping that I know some businesses in my area look at is how long it takes to get the parcel—i.e., if we're looking at a good—across the border and then through customs. Many businesses will actually go through the commercial side, claim the item, pay the duty or whatever they have to do at that point, and then ship on the U.S. side. They're saying that's faster.
Those are two big topics, but perhaps you could speak to how to help grow opportunities for exporters and encourage people to get more involved in exporting.