Mr. Hart, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I understand that. I'm just trying to find out....
I'm surprised that Canada Post has not figured out just how much it's losing on all these products. I understand it's changing, but that would be a good thing to know, to measure, to have a good understanding.
I have the biggest Canada Post distribution centre in my riding, Gateway. I went there to tour the facility, and there were thousands and thousands of packages pouring in from China. All I heard from employees and others is how much money Canada Post is losing in having to deliver this service. We're basically subsidizing China, or subsidizing other countries like China, through these products, and I think that hurts our business here.
We're here to work for Canadians and for their benefit, so I hope that will get changed, and changed quickly. I'd like to know how much we are losing by providing that service.
I know you have no control over that.