Thank you.
I again think it comes back to awareness of the opportunities that are present. Because most of the companies that we're talking about are small or medium-sized exporters, there's a lack of understanding, first of all, for what the opportunities are, what the risks are, secondarily, and then what's available to help mitigate some of those risks.
This is where I think we see some real application in terms of the broader federal family coming together, partnering through Global Affairs Canada, the trade commissioner service, BDC, and EDC to make the knowledge and the opportunities much more available to mitigate some of those risks, almost as a package solution in a sense.
Today it is still very much up to an individual company to do their own investigation and hopefully find what they need to be successful. By working together, I think we can mitigate a lot of that awareness gap that is present today, as well as make our products and services more available to Canadian exporters.