Personally, I did not have any issues coming back. I did only one year of law school away, and I transferred right into Osgoode Hall, but I'm noticing with other lawyers who have studied abroad that it takes a significantly longer period for them to be able to enter the market as lawyers. I know that law is on the list of professions for which things should now be a bit easier. I think that when you're doing that, you're delaying their entry into the workforce and delaying their ability to contribute to the Canadian market in a much more prosperous manner, versus coming in and having to spend a couple more years to do accreditation.
We're basically deterring a lot of immigrants who are highly qualified from coming here and working and producing and providing for our economy at that level. They come in highly qualified and they're working at jobs for which they're completely overqualified. I've heard stories about doctors working as taxi drivers. We are losing out on that talent. How do you go about doing that? I think what you've done with CETA is definitely an advancement, and you're going in the right direction, but probably that needs to be looked at more carefully and how that can be expanded to other professions and other sectors.