We represent Messe Düsseldorf. This is one of Germany's largest trade fairs here, but you can also go to Messe Cologne or to Messe Munich, Hamburg, or Berlin, and they have plenty of excellent trade fairs there.
We can give Canadian companies and Canadian individuals some ideas as to what it costs and whether they should go. They can rent booths through our office here in Toronto. They can call us anytime or they can just get a visitor pass and we can help them with finding the right quota and all of these kinds of things.
For somebody who's not very familiar with what Europe has to offer or even with what the world has to offer, I would definitely go on one of these big trade fairs and have a look, and you'll come easily into contact with people. Why not, if you have a certain cheese, take three or more, from Germany, from Portugal, from France, wherever, and put those in your portfolio if you have a good distribution already in your province?
I think, by the way, that Canada has nothing to fear, because we make excellent cheeses here.