I think the tariffs don't mean that much because since March 2015 we have had no tariffs on machinery and other goods. For most of our German companies in Canada that doesn't play a crucial role. It's more the technical standards. On the one hand it's a CE and on the other hand it's a CSA. To get that done, to come to a mutual recognition of technical standards, that's the main issue. For a Canadian company exporting, let's say, beef or medical goods to Germany they don't pay a lot of tariffs. It's more difficult for them to find the right distribution partner in that country and to adapt their products more to the German or European market. These are the real difficulties. When my colleagues here see German companies coming to Canada, the real big issue for them is the legal system in Canada. They all don't know the tax issues, how to set up a company here, how to do the tax and legal set-up and these kinds of things. That's why we offer our services. You can get everything here in the German language. They come at nine and when they leave at one they have founded their company and they're happy to go and everything is taken care of. That's what they need, and that is what we have set up in the last couple of years here, very successfully. We have about 30 customers, great medium-sized companies from Germany, high-tech companies we take care of in this respect. They can call us anytime with no charges.
On November 8th, 2017. See this statement in context.