We have had a lot of discussion on that chapter, the temporary entry chapter. We have made the argument—and Mexico has been very supportive of our arguments on this issue—that we should be modernizing the chapter. Many of the professions that have been listed in the original NAFTA are now out of date. There are new professions that have emerged over the past 20 years that should be added. We've been making that pitch to the U.S., and Mexico has as well.
One challenge on the U.S. side is that there is often a confusion between those types of provisions allowing for temporary entry and movement and labour mobility on the one hand, and immigration on the other. We are trying to make it clear to the U.S. that this has nothing to do with immigration. It does not lead to immigration. It has no relationship to immigration. This is simply about good business practices. We continue to make that case. The U.S. still needs to be convinced somewhat further of the value of this particular chapter, but I think we're making some headway.