Yes, I would say so, because I think over the last 23 years we've come to accept NAFTA as a given and we haven't really had a lot of common discussion about the impacts or the importance of NAFTA. I think that in many ways it's been taken for granted that we have generally free access to each other's market and a free flow of goods and services moving back and forth, as well as investment.
I think an education campaign needs to happen primarily in the U.S. because I think that's where the greatest misunderstanding of the agreement and its impacts exist. However, without a doubt it needs to take place in Canada as well. I think the most important part is to demonstrate that with a renegotiation of this type, we can take steps to improve it, to make it a more progressive agreement and make it an agreement that will benefit a wider range of citizens and population. That's what we should be focusing on, not proposals that would benefit the U.S. at the expense of the other two partners.