To start, it's early to give you some specifics. We've had one round of negotiations, so it's just the beginning of signalling our interests, rather than talking about where we may land.
One of the things we're looking at in the context of the Pacific Alliance, for example, is cumulation of goods within the region and creating a free trade area in that sense, so that we can count products from each other's markets as originating to get preferences. That would be an improvement from what we have now.
We are looking at a number of other areas as well, such as electronic commerce and the treatment of small or medium-sized enterprises. We also have some of these provisions in other potential agreements, but there are always innovations. Darren mentioned earlier that the information is always changing. We're always modernizing and updating our FTAs because there are always things that we learn as time goes on and improvements that we can make. It's building on things that already exist.
It's hard for me to give you specifics, because it's just the beginning of the negotiation. I can just talk generally and say that these are some of the things we've been looking at, and this is how we can build and improve and include other innovations.