Yes. The trade commissioner services through our consulates in the Pacific Alliance countries provide support to companies that want to go into the market. They identify potential local partners, identify qualified distributors for them. They help the companies structure meetings with high-level government officials. In my case, I have taken four Canadian companies into Latin America. The trade commissions been very instrumental in opening the doors to having meetings with key government members. They open the doors to Canadian companies to collaborate with other Canadian companies already operating in a specific country.
EDC, obviously, is our financial arm. The last time I...they had over $100 billion in loan portfolios. They assist Canadian companies to get financing. CCC helps out with.... Right now, I'm taking off to Africa. They are there to provide performance guarantees.
Canada is unique in the sense that I've never had experience with any other government that provides as much quality support to its citizens and to the companies going into the regions. The trade commissioner services are very active. They're very qualified and highly educated. They know the market. They know the government. They know the private sector. Canada has a lot of small to medium-sized companies that don't have the financial wherewithal to go and develop markets. Typically, it will take you two to three years and a few hundred thousand dollars. Many Canadian companies lack that. The trade commissioner service provides an incredible amount of free advice and experience.