We had an expert on IP and copyright in earlier. This is one of the things that people aren't talking about with this agreement. It kind of floated right underneath, but it's so important right now, especially with technological advances and with the new trade agreements, that we really do have to get it right. If you do have some ideas, I would welcome them. As we move forward, this implementation process will be ongoing. We want to make sure that the government gets it right, so please feel free to continue the dialogue after today. Thank you for being here.
Northern Cables, I was alarmed to hear what you had to say. For me, it seems to be a safety issue. With the growth in construction and everything that we're doing here in Canada, with our buy American shutout in this agreement, we want to make sure that Canadian businesses will be competitive across North America. Now, to hear that the Chinese are able to move their product into this country without oversight is troubling. You mentioned the CSA. Maybe we need to change the regulations somewhat so that we know we have good-quality product coming into the Canadian market.
Do you think it would be worthwhile with this agreement...? My colleague Mr. Lewis might be talking about this later on, but do you think the CBSA and the inspection authorities need to have more resources to make sure that there will be no workarounds with this new agreement?