The best way to describe how big Frontier is would be the example we use so that we have some recognition of this. The nearest stop light, the nearest Tim Hortons, the nearest Starbucks or McDonald's is 160 kilometres away.
There are people who really enjoy the freedoms that are offered there, the differences that are there. It's a great opportunity for the right person. That's one of the great things about Canada that we have here, that we have those opportunities.
To come back to your question, Mr. Hoback, in terms of the United States agreement, one of the things we struggle with occasionally is to get experts there, to get experts into Frontier, whether it be around our MRP system, the design around that, or.... We had an expert who worked with us. Over the course of the last few years, that was rejected because they felt that it was taking a job away from a Canadian, which wasn't true. The difficulty of bringing that person in had a big impact on our company because we were having a lot of success with the computer writing and what needed to be done wasn't there.
In terms of the new act, I'm not familiar enough with it to be able to answer that question, but I think that behind it we hope there are possibilities to bring those people across the border. We're 10 miles away. There are people who would love to come and be part of that workplace. It's a huge recruiting effort to bring people in. That's one of the privileges and also difficulties of living where we do and doing business where we do.