It is a universal exemption. It's an exemption from all of the provisions.
Let me briefly compare it with CETA. The difference with CETA, the difference between CETA and the CPTPP, is that the chapter-by-chapter cultural exemptions were mutual. Both Canada and Europe agreed that cultural industries would be exempt from those obligations. There is an asymmetrical definition—for us it's cultural industries and for Europe it's audiovisual services—but it's a mutual understanding. Those chapter-by-chapter mutual exemptions are underpinned by a strong recognition of our mutual support for the UNESCO convention. It's a very, very powerful way to exempt, but it's unique because it's basing it, in some ways, on the UNESCO convention.
In my opinion, a future progressive trade strategy for culture would be to base it on the UNESCO convention, where both parties are signatories to the convention, as the fundamental underpinning.