Perhaps I can take a stab at that one, Madam Chair.
I think the first priority has to be Britain achieving an agreement with the European Union. There's very little that we can negotiate with Britain until we know what the terms of their agreement with the EU are going to be. We also know, secondly, that their top priority is the United States. We might like to think we're up there, but actually their top priority is a bilateral agreement with the United States. It gives them the biggest bang for the buck.
I think time is on our side. We're going to know by the end of the year, by October maybe, but by the end of the year for sure, what sorts of terms Britain extracts or the EU extracts from Britain, and then we have a fundamental choice to make, in my view. We decide to roll over the terms of CETA into a bilateral agreement with Britain, or we start from scratch with a fresh bilateral one.
However, they will give priority to the United States because that's their most important market. We should stand back, watch what the Americans get and make sure we get no less.