I call to order meeting number 16 of the Standing Committee on International Trade.
The committee is meeting today pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Canadian international trade relationships, especially with the United States and the United Kingdom.
Today's meeting is taking place in person, and the proceedings will be made available via the House of Commons website. This meeting is being televised.
To ensure an orderly meeting, I have to outline a few rules to follow.
Occupational health and safety have requested that we limit our movement in the room and wear a mask unless seated. Floor markings indicate the path of travel for all people in the room. Individuals should respect physical distancing and remain two metres from one another, particularly when unmasked. Seats and microphones have been placed in a manner that respects physical distancing, and therefore we ask that they remain in the same location.
To minimize health risks, you will note that limited personnel has been permitted to attend today. Staff have received a phone number where they can also listen in to the proceedings in real time.
Please note that we will suspend in between panels in order to allow the first group of witnesses to disconnect and the next panel to join the meeting. You will also note that we have no paper documents to be distributed. All documents have been distributed electronically to all members. Should you require a copy of a document, please advise the clerk of the committee by emailing the committee, and that will be provided.
Our first group of witnesses today is from Global Affairs Canada. With us we have Steve Verheul, somebody who's been seen with our committee many times. He is the assistant deputy minister of trade policy and negotiations, and chief trade negotiator of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement. As well, we have Eric Walsh, director general, North America bureau; and Robert Fry, director general, bureau of European affairs.
Welcome to all of the committee members, and welcome especially to our witnesses. Thank you for making time to appear before the committee today.
Mr. Verheul, I'll turn it over to you.