Very briefly, I want to echo the point Ken is making. It seems quite absurd. The employers have the ability to file a complaint under the legislation, but the worker has no ability. Who speaks for the workers as to how these cases are viewed? Quite often I think most of the employers obviously have a self interest, but specifically in regard to the impact on workers, only the unions can do that in a very definitive way.
When the minister was looking at what else he could do in regard to the changes he was making, this was one of the points we supported for our colleagues and the steelworkers to see this amendment made. I think it would be good for this committee to recommend this, because there are no obvious reasons as to why unions don't have the ability to file a complaint, especially when their members are impacted by cheap imports coming into the country, or a surge from other countries who can get access to the States, and who are able to access Canada using that.
Some good work has been done to monitor that, but I think, more importantly, the right of the union should have to file a complaint is a fair one that's been demanded for quite some time.