I can make a few comments, and then Hector can fill in. I feel odd giving you this answer with Hector listening in.
I don't know that anybody is holding their breath. In my remarks, I referred to the language of the text of the agreement as being somehow like the magic wand that's going to fix these problems. There's going to be a lot of work ahead, and it's going to be very complicated. There are two interesting features of the new agreement. One is the annex that sets out all these rules around freedom of association and freedom of collective bargaining. Essentially, the language of the annex says that, within a four-year time period, facilities that have a collective agreement will have to undertake some sort of review and a democratic vote for their agreement, and also for their union executive. As Hector referenced, in the case of these so-called protection contracts, those things just don't happen. Those things are not subject to democratic oversight. In a lot of cases, we've heard that there are workers in Mexico who are members of unions and who can't get access to a collective agreement. That's just the nature of the beast down there. Having that in place is one thing that has to be monitored.
The other interesting thing about it is the rapid response mechanism. Where there is a potential violation, there is a fast, expedited approach to making sure that those rights are being upheld, and they'll send in independent investigators to make sure that they're upheld. To move that along, from Canada's point of view, there is a process of determining what is a good-faith complaint. Anybody could say anything about problems happening in Mexico: “You need to investigate that” or “That's a dispute.” Not all of them will be. It is vital to have a clear, streamlined and inclusive approach to getting this information and generating evidence, to make a very specific use of the rapid response mechanism. Canada is obligated under the terms of the revised agreement to do something like that, and we're waiting for details on how it will work. I think that's a good step.
Maybe Hector will have more to add to this.