Sure. I will use the Yale report to give you a couple of examples.
One is this notion that the Yale report recommends having almost any website—certainly the large services like the Netflixes of the world, but potentially it captures many others—paying in through either levies or other sorts of fees. The problem with that system is that we, at the same time, have systems in place that are only available to Canadian businesses. So we say we're going to make it like-for-like. Canadian businesses paid into this; now foreign businesses will have to pay into this. The problem is that the only beneficiaries in some instances are the Canadian businesses. That's not like-for-like. That may well violate some of the services provisions that we have within NAFTA and may lead to retaliatory measures.
We also have, for example, discoverability requirements—the CRTC determining, potentially, what sites news aggregators have to link to. That may violate some of the rules that we have right now in terms of free flow of information. There is a cost there. The U.S. might be entitled to retaliate.