Thank you for your question. I'll try to answer in my very bad English. I apologize for that.
We think, in the auto workers' independent unions in Mexico, that this provision could not help us enough in Mexico. Why? Because less than 1% of the workers in Mexico work in the auto industry, and their salaries are very far from $16 per hour. It will be a long time before any factory in Mexico will pay $16 per hour. This provision will not promote a Mexican salary increase. Even the labour chapter is not enough to promote an increase in the Mexican salaries. To put the $16 per hour, really, that means nothing in Mexico, because we are really far from getting that salary. At least there are regional strategies for motivation to get to the top, the labour conditions and the salaries. It happens exactly to the contrary in NAFTA here, which motivates them to dump Mexican salaries and put pressure on the U.S. and Canada to lower wages.
To answer very concretely, I think this provision for $16 per hour could affect jobs in Mexico, but certainly would not promote Mexican salary increases. To attack the social dumping, we need other provisions to really guarantee that the Mexican salaries could increase, including in the auto industry. This provision could affect jobs in Mexico, but it will not put pressure to increase the salaries.
I don't know if I was clear.