Good evening. Thanks for having us here.
My name is Phil Benson. I'm a lobbyist with Teamsters Canada. With me is Christopher Monette, director of public affairs.
Teamsters Canada is Canada's supply chain union, representing more than 125,000 workers in all sectors of the transportation industry, and in all sectors of the economy, from film and food and beverage to dairy. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million workers.
Teamsters Canada supports CUSMA and Bill C-4's timely passage. lt is not the best deal, but it is a deal, an achievement, given America's approach of bargaining in the best interests of its businesses, predicated on national security interests. Gains were made. However, not understanding that the fundamental nature and substance of negotiating trade agreements have changed left opportunity off the table.
Trade is important for many teamsters' jobs. lt is a reason why Teamsters Canada participated in every bargaining round during CUSMA's negotiation. The Liberal government made the right decision to include labour unions, NGOs and civil society in the process. The practice of negotiating trade deals in secret is a factor in the growing disaffection of workers. Opening the door let in new perspectives, leading to a better outcome. Unfortunately, some departments did not get the memo. We were not a “client” in their mind, and they often treated us as an afterthought. We anticipate that this will change and will not happen again.
The minister clearly appreciated and encouraged our activities in building support and consensus in Washington and Mexico City. Working with our colleagues and allies was helpful in achieving gains. It helped build support for a deal. Our International Brotherhood of Teamsters colleagues in Washington led the fight to make the improvements that led to a successful conclusion of the process in the United States. Those changes and the elimination of ISDS provisions are a win.
During the Mexican round, we joined a civil society conference at the Mexican Senate and met with independent trade unions. Workers in the auto supply chain, in a closed-door session, told of unhygienic, inexcusable working conditions and gave testimony of violence and sexual assaults. I am proud of how teamsters and labour are fighting for workers rights everywhere and of a government that got it. Trade agreements must include protection of workers, women, the environment and indigenous peoples, and Bill C-4 is a start in the right direction.
The negotiators' liberalization trade-bargaining blinders in seeking “ambition” lost the opportunity to protect Canadian jobs—for example, some jobs in rail and road transportation. It's a loss. Buy American and the imposition at whim of tariffs left unchecked is a push bet. The six-year review and sunset clause is counter to why trade deals are entered, a confirmation that negotiating trade is no longer all about “ambition” and does offer potential future risk and opportunity.
The provisions of NAFTA are not used by many sectors. The rules of origin are more expensive to comply with than paying the cost of low or zero-based tariffs. We do not believe that will change. As such, the NAFTA negotiations were driven by the goal of the United States to protect American-based auto manufacturing and to dismantle Canada's supply-side management system.